Statement of Faith
This covers what we believe about God, Jesus, Holy Spirit and the church.
God We believe that there is only one God, and that He is the God described in the Bible, existing as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe the Bible is inspired by God, is authoritative and fully reliable in all it affirms. We believe that the wrong things we do are offensive to God, who created us and who has the right to judge us.
Jesus We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, born of a virgin named Mary. He lived a sinless life on earth and demonstrated God’s power and authority in what He did and said. We believe He died on a cross, rose from the dead on the third day, and is now seated at the right hand of God, having done all that was required to open a way for us to enter into Gods presence. We believe that the death of Jesus was necessary to restore our broken relationship with God. We can only be saved from separation from God by accepting that Jesus died in our place, asking Him to forgive us of all the wrong things we have done and surrendering our lives to Him. We believe that just as Jesus came the first time, one day He will come a second time taking all who belong to Him into eternal life.
Holy Spirit We believe the Holy Spirit causes us to recognise our wrongdoing and our need to surrender our lives to Jesus. We believe the Holy Spirit helps believers to live godly lives. We believe the Holy Spirit continuously fills God’s people every day with His gifts and power and is very much at work in the world today.
Church We believe that God’s church is made up of all those who believe in Jesus and surrender their lives to His leadership. We believe that the gifts described in the Bible, such as teaching, healing and prophecy, are still valid for and available to today’s local churches. We believe that local churches have a vital role to play in God’s plan for the world, and that we have a responsibility to tell others about Jesus and all that He has done.
Core Values
Audacious Faith
We want the bible to be the basis of all we believe, teach and do and in balance we want to hear and follow the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to us individually and collectively.
Transcendence and Presence
We want to live lives that celebrate Gods awesome power, transcendent majesty and sovereign work, while at the same time experiencing his intimate presence as we encounter him in heartfelt worship
We want to be resourcing our church, community, and our City and, in doing so, have a deeply generous spirit.
Hospitality and Dignity
We want to practice hospitality and ensure the dignity of every person.
We want to embrace who we are in Christ.
Authenticity and Fun
We want church to be real and fun to be a part of.
Empowering and Encouraging
We want to be a church that fully empowers and deeply encourages people
Every Member Ministry
We want to equip every Christian to serve like Jesus in their home, in the church and their community
Unity and Diversity
We want to work with everyone who holds these values in open, mutually accountable friendship, while also acknowledging and honouring differences in personality, background, and theology.
Inclusive and Intergenerational
We want to be inclusive of all people and for inter-generational working to be in our DNA.
We will hold strong with absolute certainty that our vision, to be serving and resourcing our Church, our Community and our City is going to transpire.
Mission and Community
We want to see the church become a missionary movement to love and reach the lost, to care for the poor and to bring justice to our homes, neighbourhoods, workplaces, and nations; while being also a grace-filled community in which people can find relationship, healing, faith, hope and love.
Experimental and Courageous
We want to be a church that is unafraid to experiment and remains courageous in the face of success, failure, or challenge.
the church of england's
Vision & Mission proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, Jesus-Shaped and Christ-centred.
…to be and become a church that is…
To be a church that is younger and more diverse
Coming Together
To be a church where mixed ecology is the norm - where new communities of faith complement existing churches
Making Disciples
To become a church of missionary disciples
Our Vision
We believe God is calling St Mary’s Bletchley to be serving and resourcing our