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We are deeply committed to seeing children and young people develop a strong faith that will sustain them through the challenges of their teenage years and into adulthood. 

We know that parenting can be tough, and many in the church feel ill-equipped to spiritually nurture their children. We want you to be able to find fresh ways to encourage faith and empower parents to nurture the faith of their children and deepen discipleship. 

In their teenage years, we know that children are often reluctant to talk with their parents. We are keen to find safe spaces where young people can talk to adults about life and faith issues. 

As a church, we are currently exploring what effective support and ministry to the whole family looks like. In the coming months, we hope to bring someone on board our staff team to see this vision outworked in our church and community.

Kids Ministry

Kids Church 

While the adults are at the Sunday Morning Service, at Kids’ Church the children enjoy time together learning more about Jesus and developing their discipleship and faith through games, crafts, worship, and teaching. 

Some weeks we have All In Services, where our young people don’t go out to Kids’ Church, but rather stay in the church building so that we can all worship together as one community; young and old. These services are structured a little differently to engage all ages. 

If your child is under the age of 3, bring them along to the service! There is a designated play area in the seated area, as well as a Family Room upstairs with a live feed of the service if you need more of a quiet space. 

3-11 years | Sunday mornings during the 10am service | kids and leaders leave together from the service and go down to the Church Office 


Tods meets once a week (term time only) and babies and toddlers are welcome with parents or carers. Sessions involve free play, a craft activity, songs, stories, and snacks for the children, and tea, friendship, and a chance to share experiences with the adults. 

Our times together have been invaluable for the well-being of the children and carers, especially after the lockdown social isolation and its effect on young children’s development and social interaction. 

0-4 years | Every Wednesday morning during term time | 9:30am to 11:30am | St Mary’s Community Centre 

Dream Factory 

Every Saturday during term time, primary school-aged children are welcome to join us to encounter God in a fun, friendly, and encouraging environment. It is a place to make new friends and explore Faith alongside others. 

Dream Factory is a kids’ club with games, free play, social time, a bouncy castle, upfront teaching, music, and laughter. Things can get a little bit wonderfully crazy at Dream Factory! 

Primary school-aged children | Saturday 10am to 12pm (term time only) | St Mary’s Community Centre 

Messy Church 

Throughout the year we have Messy Church on a Sunday afternoon. Messy Church is for children of all ages to come and adventure with all their family, make a mess with others in our community, have a laugh, listen to a story, sing out loud, dance about and share some food together. With games, crafts, social time and a reflection area set up, and baby/toddler areas set up for younger visitors to play. Keep an eye on our Events Calendar for our next Messy Church event. 

Youth Ministry

The Loft 

The Loft is a time when we can ask difficult questions and explore the Bible together in a small group. 

14-17 years | Every Tuesday during term time | 7:30pm to 9:00pm | Church Office building 

Friday Youth 

Friday Youth provides a relaxed and fun environment to hang out with other young people. Youth come together for games and a catch up, with a short reflection time at the end of each evening. 

11-17 years | Every Friday during term time | 7:30pm to 9:00pm | St Mary’s Community Centre 

Praise, Prayer & Pizza 

Every second Sunday of the month our younger youth get a chance to get to know the older youth on a Sunday afternoon. During these sessions our older youth teach our younger youth about God and what it looks like to be a Christian in these modern times. And we eat pizza! Please check the Events Calendar for specific dates.

11-14 years | Every second Sunday of the month | 12pm to 1:30pm | St Mary’s Community Centre 

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Church Green Rd,

01908 366531

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The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of St Mary’s Bletchley is a registered charity in England & Wales No 1128447

© St. Mary’s Bletchley 2025. All Rights Reserved. Website by Mikayla Jo