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Resources & Downloads

Below are some resources and downloads for personal and group Bible study, some of which go alongside our current Sermon Series in our morning service.

The Book of Ruth – Sermon Series Notes

Between April and June 2023 we will be working through the book of Ruth in our 10am Sunday Morning Services.

Ruth is the story of how a woman’s life falls apart through family displacement, and the death of her husband and sons, and then how it is put back together through the extraordinary love of her foreign daughter-in-law and of a distant relative back home. The woman’s name is not Ruth but Naomi.

The book could be read simply as a romantic love story, that, however, is to miss out on so much. These notes, written by Andy Prince, are here to help you go deeper and to enable you to get so much more out of the book than the preachers will have time for.

Bible in Ten: any book of the Bible cracked in ten minutes or less (Ruth chapter)

While we study the book of Ruth together in our 10am Sunday Morning Services for the coming weeks, we thought this chapter on Ruth from the book Bible in Ten: any book of the Bible cracked in ten minutes or less would help you in your personal Bible study of the book.

We have received permission from the publisher of this book to scan and make this chapter available for personal use only, explicitly not for distribution or sale of any form.

Book title: Bible in Ten: any book of the Bible cracked in ten minutes or less

Author: David Kitchen

Publisher: BRF

ISBN: 978 1 80039 151 2

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The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of St Mary’s Bletchley is a registered charity in England & Wales No 1128447

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