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Financial Giving

We believe that by being a member of this family we are called to serve others – inside and outside the church. 

The work we do at St Mary’s is made possible through giving. Should you decide to give there are a number of ways in which to do so. 

Here at St Mary’s your offering provides funds for the many amazing ministries and community work that we run, as well as the needs of the poor through local, national, and international organisations with which St Mary’s works in partnership. 

HOW to give

Parish Giving Scheme

The most effective and convenient way to give is through our Parish Giving Scheme, it is a free way to help you plan your giving and if you are a tax payer, to do so tax efficiently. It uses a secure and efficient direct debit system for ease and peace of mind. 

To sign up simply call our dedicated team on 0333 002 1271 you just need St Mary’s Parish Code which is 270627709, and know that we are in the Diocese of Oxford. Or for further information click below. 

Other ways to give

Bank Transfer

The easiest way to give - a direct deposit. Account Name: St Mary's PCC Bletchley Account No: 10166111 Sort Code: 401219

In our service

You can choose to either give cash in our offering plate or use your card on our contactless machine.

Legacy Giving

Some people choose to very generously leave a donations in the form of a bequest, or as part of their will.

Gift Aid

Whatever method you decide on please remember if you are a tax payer and are eligible then do complete a gift aid declaration so we can claim an additional 25% on your donations. This will mean that for every £20 you donate we can claim back an additional £5 in tax from HMRC.


For More Information

To find out more about Gift Aid or the different ways to give, contact 

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Church Green Rd,

01908 366531

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The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of St Mary’s Bletchley is a registered charity in England & Wales No 1128447

© St. Mary’s Bletchley 2025. All Rights Reserved. Website by Mikayla Jo