If you are planning the funeral of a loved one, we want to start off here by acknowledging how difficult and complex this time is for you.
Making the relevant arrangements can be incredibly stressful, especially as you are doing so while processing your loss. We recommend that you visit this website which may help in answering some of your questions, and in thinking through the arrangements you need to make.
As a Church of England church, our ministers are available to hold a funeral for your loved one in our church or churchyard, at a graveyard, or at the crematorium, regardless of your previous contact with St Mary’s.
When you’re ready, please contact your chosen Funeral Director and let them know you would like a service at St Mary’s Bletchley, or for one of our ministers to conduct the service. They will then make contact with our church office. A minister will then arrange a suitable time to visit and discuss the arrangements, working alongside you in order to make these as personal as possible.
Funeral Directors based in Milton Keynes
St Mary’s Churchyard
We are unfortunately unable to help with any burials in St Mary’s Churchyard as the churchyard has been closed.
We may be able to assist with interment of ashes in existing plots, or for the internment of ashes for those with a very strong connection to St Mary’s Bletchley. This can be done at the discretion of the Rector and Churchwardens. Please email our office for more information.
We are unfortunately unable to help with any inquiries relating to Whalley Drive Cemetery which is adjacent to our Churchyard at the back of the Church Building. For contact details relating to Whalley Drive Cemetery visit here.